Connected Books
Revolutionizing Reading with Technology
In today’s digital age, the way we read and interact with books is undergoing a transformative shift, thanks to innovative technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) and mixed media reality. One pioneering figure leading this revolution is Victoria Forrest, director of VIKA Books, who is reshaping the traditional reading experience by embedding smartphone technologies into the pages of her books.
Connected Books, as they’re known, feature a seamless integration of print and digital elements, allowing readers to access a wealth of multimedia content directly from the pages of the book. With VIKA’s Connected Books, readers can effortlessly transition between the printed page and their smartphones, unlocking a world of video, text, sound, and animation on demand.

VIKA’s flagship AR book, Where is the Bird?, exemplifies the groundbreaking potential of Connected Books. Designed as a children’s book, Where is the Bird? leverages AR technology to facilitate pre-speech communication between babies and adults through sign language. This innovative approach not only enriches the reading experience but also fosters interactive learning and communication in families, both hearing and deaf.
At the heart of VIKA’s mission is the belief that books should be dynamic and accessible to all. By incorporating video, sound, AR, and sign language into printed pages, VIKA’s Connected Books offer a more inclusive and engaging reading experience for diverse audiences.
Explaining the technology behind Connected Books, Victoria Forrest emphasizes the versatility and transformative potential of AR. Through pop-up animations triggered by smartphone scans, readers can bring illustrations to life and access supplementary content seamlessly. This immersive approach to storytelling transcends traditional boundaries, making learning more interactive and captivating.

Beyond entertainment, AR technology holds immense promise for educational purposes, particularly in introducing sign language to broader audiences. With VIKA’s Connected Books, sign language becomes an integral part of the reading experience, fostering greater awareness and inclusivity.
Victoria Forrest’s decision to publish her first Connected Book in sign language underscores the importance of linguistic diversity and accessibility in literature. By embracing sign language as an unprintable language, VIKA Books opens doors to new forms of expression and communication, empowering readers to engage with language in innovative ways.

In essence, Connected Books represent a paradigm shift in the world of publishing, where traditional print meets cutting-edge technology to create immersive, interactive, and inclusive reading experiences. As VIKA continues to push the boundaries of what’s possible, the future of reading looks brighter and more connected than ever before.
For more information how VIKA can work with you to create an Connected Books, see our Connected Book Service for more information.