
The core of any photobook

Photo editorial is vital in a photobook for shaping the visual narrative, evoking emotions, ensuring style consistency, and engaging audiences. VIKA specializes in the storytelling aspect of photo-editorial, curating photographs to convey the narrative or theme, and communicating the photographer’s vision.

In our photo-editorial service, we focus on:

Narrative structure
The book’s beginning, middle, and end, and ways we can guide readers through a coherent visual journey.

Theme development
How images are arranged reinforces and enhances the narrative, be it documentary-style, personal, or thematic.

Emotional resonance
Techniques like color grading and print techniques can enhance mood, contributing to the overall experience.

A careful arrangement of images builds tension and conveys meaning.

Subtext and symbolism
How we can explore deeper layers of storytelling through visual motifs and juxtaposition and pairing of images.

Captions and supplementary images are important for providing background information, and adding depth to the narrative.

  • Paul Graham: Photographs 1981-2006. Published by Steidl, MACK.
    Paul Graham: Photographs 1981-2006
  • In the Shadow of Things, Leonie Hampton. Contrasto
    In the Shadow of Things, Leonie Hampton. Contrasto.
  • In the Shadow of Things, Leonie Hampton. Contrasto
    In the Shadow of Things, Leonie Hampton. Contrasto.

The process
Our process begins by collaborating with you to understand your vision, goals, and target audience. We then restructure your archive and start the editing process, considering factors like narrative flow, emotional impact, and thematic coherence. Throughout this journey, we maintain open communication, allowing you to provide feedback and suggestions for adjustments.

Our goal is to deliver an editorial structure that not only showcases your work but also resonates with your audience on a profound level. By combining artistic vision with technical expertise, we create a set of high and low-resolution PDFs that reflect the essence of your photography and leave a lasting impression on your viewers.

Starting from £1500+VAT for a final edit of 60–150 images. If you’d like to start this work, please email

Alternatively, you can consider one of the services below, which are designed to ease you into the photo-editorial process.

  • ‘I worked with Victoria on a comprehensive monograph of my work for a retrospective at the Whitechapel Gallery. It was a difficult assignment, shoe-horning over ten years of images into coherent form, with three texts, biographical text and illustrated bibliography. The result was outstanding, her ability to cope with the workload, yet remain focused on the creative goal were exemplary, and when under tight deadlines she was calm and methodical. The book turned out to be one of my very best, and sold out within 18 months. Amazing results, amazing designer!’

    Paul Graham, photographer
  • ‘VIKA’s experience and eye for detail allowed me to experiment with ideas that I would not have conceived without her.’

    Angus Fraser, photographer
  • ‘The process of making a book was collaborative and inventive. I am very pleased with the result.’

    Jeff McMillan, artist



A free VIKA Book of Books

We have FREE exquisitely manufactured, hand-stitched and lithographically printed, Book of Books for potential future clients to experience the production quality of VIKA books.